Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Letter to God

Dear God,
            I wrote this letter because I really don’t know how to express my feelings. How I wish that I could express what I feel to them.
            Thank You for everything that you gave and still giving to us, life. Thank You very much for giving us every day to live. And thank You for giving me my parents, my family. For giving me parents who gave me the chance to live. Parents who taught me how to walk, who fed me. For giving me parents who understands me always. Parents who guided me in making decisions.
I would like to thank them for shaping me for who I am right now. For always being there for me. For guiding me in every struggles in life that I’ve been through. For teaching me how to live and showing me the right directions. I would like to thank them for giving me the things that I want that can be useful to me.  
            I would like to say sorry to them for all the bad things I’ve done to them. I know I am not a perfect daughter to them because I am a hard-headed girl. I always give them headaches. I do not obey them sometimes. Also, I am a lazy daughter. But still, they always forgive me. They always understand me. They still accept me for who and what I am now. I also want to say sorry for getting pissed when they don’t understand what I’m saying. Now, I understand why they don’t understand me and it’s because our generation is way too different from theirs.
Lord God, please bless my parents every day. Let them live longer.  Please give them good health. Please let them face the struggles that will pass in their lives. Again, Thank You, God for giving me them as my parents.

Truthfully Yours,


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