Sunday, January 5, 2014

Meeting My Idol

Meeting My Idol
            If I would be given a chance to meet someone, I would like to meet the former Irish boy band Westlife. They are my idols because my two sisters really love them so I keep on seeing them in television and keep on listening them to the radio because of my sisters. And then, I realized that I’ve became their fan. They were really that famous during my childhood but now, they were disbanded on 2012 because they already have their own lives. My sisters really became sad after what happened to Westlife, and so do I.

            I would like to ask Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Brian McFadden if they still have communication and if they are still friends. And I want to tell them that I wish that Westlife would come back. 

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