Monday, August 26, 2013

A Prayer For My Dear Countrymen

Almighty God, I thank you for all the blessings,
I thank you for the life you gave to all of us.
Dear God, thank you for your guidance and for your love,
We may not feel You, but still, we believe in You.

Lord, please forgive us for all the sins that we've done,
Dear Lord, I am praying for my fellow people,
I'm praying for my countrymen, Filipinos,
I am praying for my beloved Philippines.

We ask you for our guidance and security,
Lord, Philippines is now wrecked and also broken,
Many of my fellow people lost their loved ones,
Most of them really suffered from the tragedy. 

Please help the affected people of the typhoon,
Please help my countrymen to move on, Oh Dear Lord.
Lord, please help them to rebuild their broken shelters,
Please continue on guiding and protecting them.  

Please give more blessings to the people who have helped,
And to the people who did not stop from praying,
I really salute the people who have helped,
We praise you Oh Lord, thank you for everything.

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