Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Experience to be Remembered

     Experiences may be good or bad. All of us have good and bad experiences and some of our experiences are unforgettable because of the impacts that were left to us by those experiences.       When I was still an elementary student, I had an experience. A memorable of rather unforgettable experience that shaped me for who I am right now. That experience is when I fell from the tricycle.          I was about to go to school that time. I sat at the back part of the tricycle which is at the back or behind the driver. I just hugged my bag without holding the handle of the tricycle. The tricycle was ready to go. Suddenly, the tricycle turned. I fell from the tricycle because of the great force of inertia.       I got some wounds, but they were just small. I just thanked God because I am still alive and because there were no other vehicles when that incident had happened. If there were vehicles by that time, maybe I was bumped by a vehicle.           Since that incident had happened, I learned to take good care of myself and also to thank Almighty God for the life He had given to all of us and to thank Him for who or what we are right now.

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