Sunday, February 16, 2014

Regrets, Regrets.. How can I Undo you?

Regrets.. regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.

     Of course, we all know that everybody hates regrets. But do you know what? Regrets help us to correct our mistakes. Regrets help us how to do better. How to make better decisions...

      My regret is the time when I was still a grade one student. It was when I joined a math quizbee. I did not review that time that's why I was really nervous that time. The contest began and I started answering. I raised my illustration board and I got correct answers. I got the highest score together with one of my opponents. So, we had to do a tie breaker. The teacher started to read the question and I really focused on that time. When the teacher said "GO!" I started solving. I saw with my own two eyes that the teacher who was guarding my opponent whispered the correct answer to my opponent. And so, my opponent hurriedly raised the illustration board as fast as a cheetah and so did I! But unluckily, my opponent raised the illustration board faster than I did. And so, I lost. I didn't tell my teacher what happened on the contest. That was the reason why I hated Mathematics. From grade one to first year, I hated Math! I hated math because I regretted that I didn't tell my teacher what happened in the contest. But when I became a second year student, I started loving math again...

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