Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wonder Teacher

Teachers are one of the most wonderful things in this world.  They are our second mothers, they are our professors and they are our hero.
Teachers help us in our problems even if it’s not about academics. They give us advices that can affect our lives.  They can be our second mother because just like our mother, they guide, care, take care of us and love us like their own children.  They are our hero. They don’t have super powers, they cannot fly and do magical things but they can help us with all their hearts.
Teachers lead us to a brighter and better future. They help us to become successful someday. If there are no teachers, then, there will be no successful persons too.  The word ‘teacher’ really means a lot to me because without them, I won’t have dreams just like being a successful person someday…
To all the teachers, I would like to say thank you for all your help. Even though us, your students are really hard-headed persons, you did not let us fall. Instead, you guided us to reach our dreams and to make it true. Once again, thank you and we love all of you!

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