Monday, October 28, 2013

What is Love?

       I never had a boyfriend in my whole. I've been in love but I think it's more on puppy love. It's puppy love because it happened when I was still a grade six student. Being in love feels like you're in heaven. Whenever I see him, I feel like there are so many butterflies in my stomach. It's happy if you're in love. They say that being in love is just a destruction in our studies. But for me, it depends on the person who's in love. Because for me, being in love is an inspiration. When you're in love, you need to be aware that we can have a heartbreak.

     When I had my first love, I was really happy whenever I sees him. It feels like i'm literally floating in the air. We don't talk to each other because we're shy. But he's one year ahead from me and I was grade five that time. Actually, I had a crush on him when I was on grade four. But I fell in love with him when I was on grade five. He then graduated and left me a wallet-sized graduation picture. I was really happy on the time when he confessed his feeling to me, I felt so many butterflies in my stomach and I can hear many angels singing. But then, he messaged me and told me a horrible fact. We're relatives. Even though we're not that close relatives, I forced myself to stop loving him. It was really hard for me to move on and I really cried so many nights. It was really painful for me because he's my first love. I never knew that this would happen in reality, and it happened to me.

      Yes, PAIN is the partner of the word LOVE. Because when we fall in love, we can also experience pain. They said that when you love someone, you're letting PAIN to come in your way.

      For me, I think love is caring for someone who's special to you. They say that love is the result of deeply appreciating other's goodness. And I think  I believe in that. It is also opening yourself to others. Accepting other's imperfections. Or should I say LOVING other's IMPERFECTIONS.

      I would love a boy for me to be inspired and also because every girl needs a partner in life. And I would love a boy because of his sincerity. My ideal man is God-fearing, kind-hearted, loyal, sincere, faithful and of course, a man who would respect me. Anyways, although I have my ideal type, I cannot say that I will marry a man with those characteristics because sometimes we fall in love even though they're not our type. Being in love is a serious matter, because we can experience pain. But even though we're aware that being in love may lead us to a heart break, we still choose to love somebody.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wonder Teacher

Teachers are one of the most wonderful things in this world.  They are our second mothers, they are our professors and they are our hero.
Teachers help us in our problems even if it’s not about academics. They give us advices that can affect our lives.  They can be our second mother because just like our mother, they guide, care, take care of us and love us like their own children.  They are our hero. They don’t have super powers, they cannot fly and do magical things but they can help us with all their hearts.
Teachers lead us to a brighter and better future. They help us to become successful someday. If there are no teachers, then, there will be no successful persons too.  The word ‘teacher’ really means a lot to me because without them, I won’t have dreams just like being a successful person someday…
To all the teachers, I would like to say thank you for all your help. Even though us, your students are really hard-headed persons, you did not let us fall. Instead, you guided us to reach our dreams and to make it true. Once again, thank you and we love all of you!

True Love 'Till The End

In the beautiful city of Verona, there lived the feuding families of the Capulets and Montagues. Capulet and Lady Capulet have identical twin daughters, named Juliet and Hero while Montague and Lady Montague also have identical twin sons, named Romeo and Claudio. Four unlucky children of these enemy families became lovers, Romeo and Juliet, that Hero and Claudio.

Romeo planned to go to the Capulet’s house, specifically to the balcony near Juliet and Hero’s room.

As they reached the balcony, they heard the two lovely ladies, Juliet and Hero, pledging their love for them. Romeo and Claudio came near the balcony. Juliet and Hero were shocked as they saw the two. Romeo and Claudio told them about what they have heard a while ago. The four lovers confessed about their feelings for each other. Romeo to Juliet, and Claudio to Hero. Romeo told Juliet that he didn't see a girl as beautiful as her while Claudio told Hero that she is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to him. The maidens blushed with those sweet words that they've heard.

The next day, Paris went to the Capulet's palace to tell his true feelings and desire to Juliet. Capulet told the guy that he gives his permission to impress Juliet but he can't tell if he will be liked by Juliet because it's still Juliet's decision. He exits.
Paris wait to be sure about his plants with Juliet so he decided to ask a man to spy on Juliet. He went to Claudius, one of his friends, to command him to spy on Juliet.

One night, when Claudius was walking alone he saw a man going up to Juliet's room using the window as entrance. He didn't call for soldiers to capture the man because he saw Juliet too outside and looks like she's waiting for the man. He saw the suit of the guy and it is a Montague's suit. He looked a little bit closer again and he recognized it
and it was Romeo.

Claudius reported what he saw last night. Paris decided to kill Romeo for blocking his plans about getting Juliet's heart.

In the other kingdom, Romeo told Claudio that this night, Claudio is the one who will go to the Capulet's palace to meet Hero. They decided to visit the girls alternately.
Claudio went out to breathe some air and while walking he saw there three annoying witches. The three annoying witches warned him because this night, he will be killed by a mistake. Claudio just ignored it but still he is nervous.

Claudio was walking, going to Hero. He felt that there is someone observing and following him. He ignored it. Then, he felt a knife that passes through his bone at the back, and he saw it was Claudius.

Hero was about to meet him but when Hero saw him, he was lying on the ground. The word he said is "Claudius". Hero was crying for help.

Hero ordered Puck, her fairy servant, to give her letter to Romeo. Romeo received the letter from Hero that Claudio was dead. Romeo was the only one who knew what happened to his brother, he only told to his parents that Claudio wants to be alone and live without him and his parents. He also said that Claudio hope that they will understand him. After three days, the Montagues accept it and they just pray for Claudio's safety and independence.

Romeo search for Claudius and he asked for a duel. Claudius was surprised because he thought that it was Romeo whom he killed one night. Romeo put a poison on his sword. This one is the one he will use to kill Claudius. When Claudius’ enemies heard about Romeo’s plan to kill him, they decided to cooperate with Romeo and participate with the plan.

Romeo sent a letter to Claudius asking him to battle with him. Romeo then prepared everything he needed for their clash. Claudius secretly put poison in his sword to be sure that Romeo will surely die. Both men went to the place where Romeo chose for them to battle. They both took off their swords and were ready to fight. Romeo was about to attack Claudius but Claudius immediately moved away from Romeo. Romeo was really eager to destroy Claudius because of what he did to his brother Claudio. Claudius was about to stab Romeo but Romeo used his sword to prevent Claudius’ sword to touch him but his sword flew away. Claudius grinned devilishly thinking that he will win the battle. But he was wrong. Romeo immediately grabbed Claudius’ sword and stabbed Claudius. Before Claudius died, he vouchsafe Romeo his reason for killing Claudio. He told Romeo that Claudio is really not his target. Claudius also told that Paris is the person behind that incident. After Claudius told everything, his enemies went nearer to him and everyone stabbed him using their own dagger.

After Romeo’s fight with Claudius, he immediately went to Juliet and Hero to ask about Claudio’s dead body. Hero told Romeo that she told Puck to bring Claudio’s dead body in Montague’s tomb. The three of them decided to went to the Montague’s tomb to visit and to say goodbye to Claudio.

On the other side, Paris is celebrating all by himself because he thought that Romeo is dead already. After a few minutes, his servant spirit, Ariel, told him a very bad news. Ariel told him that Cladius is dead and he killed a wrong person. Instead of killing Romeo, Claudius killed Romeo’s twin brother, Claudio. Paris decided to ask a permission for him to court Juliet . While Paris is on his way to the Capulets, he encountered Romeo together with Juliet and Hero unexpectedly. Romeo immediately pulled out his sword and placed it near Paris’ throat. Paris was so shocked because he doesn’t know that Romeo knew that he’s the reason behind Claudius death. Romeo then cursed Paris and stabbed him causing Paris to kneel down and dies.

After that incident, Romeo, Juliet and Hero went to the Montague’s tomb. There they saw Claudio’s dead body. Hero’s tears immediately fell down on her cheeks. Hero pulled out Romeo’s sword. She told Romeo and Juliet that she can’t take it anymore. It’s very hard for her to accept the fact that her love is already dead. After saying those words, she stabbed herself using Romeo’s sword. Romeo and Juliet were shocked with what Hero did. Juliet burst out with tears.

Romeo and Juliet lay Hero’s dead body beside Claudio’s. After that, the two went to King Alonso and ask for help. Romeo and Juliet want to end the feud between their families. King Alonso sent soldiers to catch the members of the Capulet and Montague Family.

When the members of each family reached the castle, they were so shocked after they saw Romeo and Juliet together. King Alonso told them to be quiet and listen carefully to the two. Romeo and Juliet told the entire story about what happened to Hero ad Claudio.

After that, the Capulet and Montague end the feud between them. They raised a golden statue of Hero and Claudio as a symbol for their never ending love.
Two years later, Romeo and Juliet married each other. They also had twin children. One boy and one girl. The little girl’s name is Miranda while the little boy’s name is Macbeth. Romeo and Juliet lived happily ever after.